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The Corporate Finance journey: from idea to exit

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Participants will be guided on a journey through the key stages of corporate finance and corporate law, from initial funding to IPO and exit strategies. Using an interactive storytelling approach, the training will illustrate how financial and legal decisions shape a company's growth. Real-world scenarios, thought-provoking questions, and visual storytelling will enhance understanding. This unique methodology ensures a practical and immersive learning experience, making complex concepts more accessible.

The objectives of this training are:


Niveau Avancé
Forme d’apprentissage Formation en classe

Prix total *

Membres: € 550
Non-membres: € 650
Partenaires/ BZB: € 550
Incompany: sur mesure, prix à la demande

* Avez-vous droit à une intervention ou des subventions?
* Prix : prestation dans le cadre du recyclage régulier, exonérée de TVA

Heures de Recyclage Banque: 6h spécifique au secteur
Compliance: 6h


Manifestez votre intérêt lorsqu’aucune date n’est disponible, la date planifiée ne convient pas et/ou la session existante est complète. Dès que 5 personnes sont inscrites sur la liste d'intérêt, nous vous proposons une nouvelle date. Votre inscription sur la liste d'intérêt est gratuite et n'induit aucune obligation.

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Groupe cible

The training course can be followed by professionals seeking a fundamental understanding of corporate finance and corporate law, covering key financing stages from startup funding to exit strategies.

Connaissances préalables

Advanced level training: this training requires a general basic knowledge of the subject.



  • Introduction
  • The idea and legal obstacles
    • Sector-specific regulations
    • Intellectual Property considerations
  • Funding the idea
    • Debt vs. Equity Financing
    • Friends, Family, Bootstrap Funding, Angel Investors
  • Early-Stage Equity financing rounds
    • Venture Capital
    • Private Equity
  • Initial Public Offering (IPO)
    • Prospectus
    • Due Diligence
    • Legal documentation
    • Marketing the transaction
    • IPO Launch and Bookbuilding
  • Implications of being a Listed Company
    • Corporate Governance
    • Market Abuse regulations
    • Transparency requirements
    • Regulatory compliance
  • Financing possibilities as a Listed Company
    • Accelerated Bookbuilding (ABB)
    • Rights offering
  • Public Takeover, Squeeze-Out & Exit Strategies
  • Conclusion



  • Duration: 1 day of training (6 class hours)
  • Hours: 09:00 to 17:00
  • Location: Febelfin Academy: Phoenix building, Koning Albert II-laan/Boulevard du Roi Albert II 19, 1210 Brussels
  • Language: This training will be given in English


You follow a ‘Classroom training’ face-to-face in a group. You, the other participants and the teacher are all present in the same classroom at an agreed time. There is an opportunity for interaction and feedback, both from the participants to the teacher and vice versa. The teaching material consists as a basis of a presentation via the MyFA learning platform, supplemented with various other items (such as digital syllabus, presentation, audiovisual fragments, etc.).


Elvin Lawson
Risk, finance & treasury
Taxation & regulations