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  3. The basic principles of motor vehicle and assistance insurances (non-life)

The basic principles of motor vehicle and assistance insurances (non-life)

Je m'inscris


The objective of this training is :


Catégorie Assurances
Niveau Avancé
Forme d’apprentissage E-learning, E-learning - étude à distance

Prix total *

Membres: € 150
Non-membres: € 185
Partenaires/ BZB: € 150
Incompany: sur mesure, prix à la demande

* Avez-vous droit à une intervention ou des subventions?
* Prix : prestation dans le cadre du recyclage régulier, exonérée de TVA

Heures de Recyclage Assurances: 11h spécifique au secteur


Groupe cible

The training is primarily intended for persons

  • who perform a regulated function in the distribution of Non-Life insurance, in particular those who :
    • have been appointed PCP and wish to broaden their basic knowledge and, where appropriate, take the advanced examination 2.2 – Motor Vehicle and Assistance insurances;
    • are exempted from the examinations by their diploma;
    • have obtained a knowledge certificate to refresh and deepen the acquired knowledge, in accordance with the knowledge requirements of the IDD.
  • who exercise a function other than the distribution of insurance and wish to deepen their knowledge of Motor Vehicle and Assistance insurances.

Connaissances préalables

Advanced level training: this training requires a general basic knowledge of the subject. 



  • Part 1: Motor Vehicle third-party liability
    • Legal bases of the motor vehicle third-party liability insurance
    • Institutions involved in the motor vehicle third-party liability insurance
    • The minimum conditions
    • Concluding a motor vehicle third-party liability insurance
    • Claim settlement
  • Part 2: Insurance of “the driver”
    • Subject and importance of the additional “driver” insurance
    • Insurance options
  • Part 3: All risk vehicle insurance
    • Object and cover of the all risks vehicle insurance (comprehensive)
    • Value to be insured and compensation systems
    • Compensation in the event of loss
  • Part 4: Insurance Assistance
    • General aspects
    • Personal assistance
    • Assistance for the insured vehicles


  • Duration: 11 hours
  • Number of pages syllabus : +- 75 pages
  • CPD hours: Each module includes an online test consisting of multiple-choice questions. CPD hours will only be granted if you pass the test. You are entitled to 2 attempts to pass the test. If you do not pass (result lower than 60%), CPD hours will not be granted for this (sub)module. We therefore recommend that you take the test only when you are sure you master the subject matter. 


An ‘E-learning - distance learning’ is 100% self-study. It is a form of learning in which the participant processes individually, at his or her own pace, learning content that is provided in the form of a syllabus drawn up by the teacher. This content is provided in a digital format (PDF) via the MyFA learning platform, possibly supplemented with an exercise platform.

Course material :

  • Syllabus 
  • Exercise questions