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DEFI - Decentralized Finance, the new financial system

Je m'inscris


Decentralized Finance, abbreviated DeFi, is a set of new financial applications based on the decentralized systems. The main goal of DeFi is to create a new financial system that is self-contained and independent of centralized institutions.

DeFi platforms allow savings, loans, insurance and many other financial transactions to be performed anywhere, anytime. All that is required is an internet connection that provides access to the decentralized applications.

These decentralized applications use the so-called smart contracts. This makes it possible to arrange all the above matters without the intervention of an intermediary.

The objective of the training is:


Niveau Avancé
Forme d’apprentissage Formation en classe

Prix total *

Membres: € 550
Non-membres: € 650
Partenaires/ BZB: € 550
Incompany: sur mesure, prix à la demande

* Avez-vous droit à une intervention ou des subventions?
* Prix : prestation dans le cadre du recyclage régulier, exonérée de TVA

Heures de Recyclage Banque: 6h général
Assurances: 6h général
Crédit à la consommation: 6h général
Crédit hypothécaire: 6h général
Compliance: 6h


Dates disponibles

02/06/2025 - 09:00u - 17:00u - DEFI – Decentralized Finance, the new financial system

Je m'inscris

Manifestez votre intérêt lorsqu’aucune date n’est disponible, la date planifiée ne convient pas et/ou la session existante est complète. Dès que 5 personnes sont inscrites sur la liste d'intérêt, nous vous proposons une nouvelle date. Votre inscription sur la liste d'intérêt est gratuite et n'induit aucune obligation.

Je m'inscris à la liste d'intérêt

Groupe cible

The training course can be taken by various target groups which are active in the following functions, among others:

  • sales;
  • front office;
  • private bankers;
  • risk managers;
  • teammanagers;
  • non-tech employees of the financial industry.

Connaissances préalables

Advanced level training: this training requires a general basic knowledge of the subject.



  • Introduction
    1. What is a blockchain and what are the building blocks of a typical Blockchain?
    2. Explain terminology as hot/cold wallet, cryptographic keys, smart contracts, nodes, protocols…
    3. Cryptography: Symmetric Ky and Asymmetric key
    4. The anatomy of a transaction
    5. The UTXO model and the account based model
    6. Ethereum vs Bitcoin
      Difference between a DApp and a traditional App
    7. How to value cryptocrrencies
  • DeFI
    1. Centralized vs decentralized Finance
    2. Major components
    3. What are centralized crypto exchanges and what are decentralized exchanges?
    4. Role of brokers and custodians
    5. Difference between: On-Chain order book, Off-chain order book and Automated market maker
    6. Uniswap, MakerDAO
  • Stablecoins
    1. What are stablecoins and where are they used
    2. Types van stablecoins: Fiat backed, Crypto Backed, Commodity Backed, Algorithmic backed
    3. Rebase and Seignorage model
  • CDBC
    1. Introduction
    2. Project Sela demonstrates that retail CBDC can support access, cybersecurity and competition, while retaining cash features
    3. Project Rosalind: an application to distribute retail CBDC
    4. Project Jura: cross-border settlement using wholesale CBDC
  • Borrowing and Lending
    1. How does borrowing and lending works?
    2. Importance of a pool and the collateral factor.
  • Blockchain in Asset Manangement
    1. impact cryptocurrency on a diversified portfolio
    2.  potential role that blockchain has in delivering asset management services
    3. Set protocol
  • Risks
    1. Risks – Smart Contract and Regulatory
      1. Smart Contract Risk
      2. Forks: Soft and Hard
      3. Regulatory Risk
    2. Risks – Governance, Oracle, and Custodial
      1. Governance Risk
      2. Oracle Risk
      3. DNS/DEX/Custodial/Environmental Risk


  • Duration: 1 day of training (6 class hours)
  • Hours: 09:00 to 17:00
  • Location: Febelfin Academy: Phoenix building, Koning Albert II-laan/Boulevard du Roi Albert II 19, 1210 Brussels
  • Language: This training will be given in English


You follow a ‘Classroom training’ in a group. You, the other participants and the teacher are all present in the same classroom at an agreed time. There is an opportunity for interaction and feedback, both from the participants to the teacher and vice versa. The teaching material consists as a basis of a presentation via the MyFA learning platform, supplemented with various other items (such as digital syllabus, presentation, audiovisual fragments, etc.).

Training material: PowerPoint presentation.


Bart Bours