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The legal, technical and tax basic principles of branch 21 (life)

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The objective of this training is to be able to determine, understand and apply the legal and technical bases of branch 21 life insurance and its tax aspects under the third pillar.  


Categorie Verzekeringen
Niveau Advanced
Leervorm E-learning, E-learning - afstandsstudie

Totale prijs *

Leden: € 150
Niet-leden: € 185
Partners/ BZB: € 150
Incompany: op maat, prijzen op aanvraag

* Heb je recht op een tegemoetkoming of subsidies?
* Prijs: prestatie in het kader van permanente beroepsopleiding, vrijgesteld van BTW

Bijscholingsuren Bank: 9u algemeen
Verzekeringen: 9u algemeen



The training is primarily intended for persons:

  • Who perform a regulated function, those who hold a regulated position in the distribution of life insurance, in particular the persons
    • in contact with the public who wish to broaden their basic knowledge and, if necessary, wish to prepare for the specialized exam 3.1 - Life insurance in general;
    • exempted from examination by their diploma;
    • who have obtained a certificate of knowledge in life insurance to refresh and deepen the knowledge acquired.
  • Who exercise a function other than insurance distribution and wish to become acquainted with the insurance business, without having to take any exams.

Vereiste voorkennis

Advanced level training: this training requires a general basic knowledge of the subject. 



  • Part 1: Place of branch 21 within the different types of life insurance
    • Branch 21 compared with other life insurance branches
    • Classification according to the nature of the covered event
    • Supplementary insurance policies of branch 21
    • The pension pillars and the financing of pensions by means of branch 21 life insurance
  • Part 2: The legal principles
    • Definition of a life insurance policy and nature of the benefit
    • Rights and obligations of the persons involved in the insurance
    • The beneficial entitlement
  • Part 3: The technical principles of branch 21
    • The premium
    • The actuarial reserve and the purchase value
    • Profit-sharing
    • Exclusions and acceptance by the insure
  • Part 4: The fiscal aspects of branch 21 under the 3rd pillar
    • Tax treatment of the premiums
    • Tax treatment of the benefits


  • Duration: 9 hours
  • Number of pages syllabus : +-  64 pages
  • CPD hours: Each module includes an online test consisting of multiple-choice questions. CPD hours will only be granted if you pass the test. You are entitled to 2 attempts to pass the test. If you do not pass (result lower than 60%), CPD hours will not be granted for this (sub)module. We therefore recommend that you take the test only when you are sure you master the subject matter. 


An ‘E-learning - distance learning’ is 100% self-study. It is a form of learning in which the participant processes individually, at his or her own pace, learning content that is provided in the form of a syllabus drawn up by the teacher. This content is provided in a digital format (PDF) via the MyFA learning platform, possibly supplemented with an exercise platform.

Course material :

  • Syllabus 
  • Exercise questions