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Money laundering prevention: AML V

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Niveau Advanced
Leervorm Klassikale opleiding

Totale prijs *

Leden: € 550
Niet-leden: € 650
Partners/ BZB: € 550
Incompany: op maat, prijzen op aanvraag

* Heb je recht op een tegemoetkoming of subsidies?
* Prijs: prestatie in het kader van permanente beroepsopleiding, vrijgesteld van BTW

Bijscholingsuren Bank: 6u algemeen
Verzekeringen: 6u algemeen
Consumentenkrediet: 6u algemeen
Hypothecair krediet: 6u algemeen
Compliance: 6u


Beschikbare data

09/09/2024 - 09:00u - 17:00u - Money laundering prevention: AML V

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Geef ons jouw interesse door indien er geen datum beschikbaar is, de geplande datum voor je niet past en/of deze sessie volzet is. Van zodra een vijftal personen ingeschreven zijn op de interesselijst stellen wij jou een nieuwe datum voor. Jouw inschrijving op de interesselijst is kosteloos en zonder enige verplichting.

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The training course can be taken by various target groups which are active in the following functions, among others:

  • Compliance Officers;
  • Anti-money laundering officers in banks, insurance companies, investment funds;
  • Auditors and internal controllers;
  • Company managers;
  • Heads of legal and audit departments.

Vereiste voorkennis

Expert Level: This training will provide advanced characteristics on a specific topic. In order to grasp the concepts of this training, thorough knowledge is required (enhancement).




  • Reminder of the legal and regulatory framework of the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing;
  • Transposition of the European directives, AMLD4 and AMLD5 into Belgian law;
  • The impact of the AMLD5 transposition in Belgian law;
  • Extension of the application of the regulation to new service providers;
  • Reinforcement of the supervision of business relationships involving a high risk third country;
  • Increased access to the register of beneficial owners;
  • Redefinition of politically exposed persons (PEPs);
  • New measures against anonymity;
  • The problem of serious tax fraud, organised or not;
  • The impact of digitalisation;
  • Sanctions regime.


Duration: 1 day of training

Time: 9 am to 5 pm

Location: Febelfin Academy, Phoenix gebouw - Koning Albert II-laan 19 1210 Brussel


You follow a ‘Classroom training’ in a group. You, the other participants and the teacher are all present in the same classroom at an agreed time. There is an opportunity for interaction and feedback, both from the participants to the teacher and vice versa. The teaching material consists as a basis of a presentation via the MyFA learning platform, supplemented with various other items (such as digital syllabus, presentation, audiovisual fragments, etc.).

Training type: Classroom

During our theoretical training courses, we offer a combination of theory and exercises. The cases, examples and exercises are taken from daily practice or are introduced by yourself and then solved under the trainer's guidance.

Training material

  • PowerPoint presentation (slides);


Miguel Victor A Mairlot
Compliance & audit