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Masterclass 'Board of Directors'

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The exclusive ‘Masterclass Board of Directors’ comprises several stand-alone topics aimed at raising the competences of experienced directors on actual board level topics. The Masterclass facilitators are selected for their ability to facilitate a deep dive into specific areas of competence. The Masterclasses thrive on sharing perspectives and experiences in groups, and debates on different viewpoints are to be expected.


Niveau Expert
Leervorm Klassikale opleiding

Totale prijs *

Leden: € 875
Niet-leden: € 985
Partners/ BZB: € 875
Incompany: op maat, prijzen op aanvraag

* Heb je recht op een tegemoetkoming of subsidies?
* Prijs: prestatie in het kader van permanente beroepsopleiding, vrijgesteld van BTW

Bijscholingsuren Bank: 6u algemeen
Verzekeringen: 6u algemeen
Compliance: 6u


Beschikbare data

21/05/2025 - 08:45u - 17:00u - Masterclass 'Board of Directors'

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Geef ons jouw interesse door indien er geen datum beschikbaar is, de geplande datum voor je niet past en/of deze sessie volzet is. Van zodra een vijftal personen ingeschreven zijn op de interesselijst stellen wij jou een nieuwe datum voor. Jouw inschrijving op de interesselijst is kosteloos en zonder enige verplichting.

Ik schrijf in op de interesselijst


The course can be followed by experienced directors and board members.

We limit the number of participants in this course to 40. Moreover you will be able to benefit optimally from the knowledge and experience of our lecturers. In addition, you will interactively test your own practical situation against those of your colleagues.

Vereiste voorkennis

Expert level training: this training requires thorough prior knowledge of the subject.



Introduction : 2025 Governance Outlook: Projections on Board Matters

Lecture by speaker: Mrs. Sandra Gobert - Executive Director - Lead Public & Social Governance of GUBERNA

  • This outlook offers a forward-looking glimpse into the corporate governance landscape, specifically focusing on board-related dynamics. This introduction provides insights and projections that anticipate trends in board governance for the upcoming year. 

Session 1 : Regulatory update on sound governance rules.

Lecture by speaker: Mrs. Caroline Veris - Partner FSI Governance, Regulation and Compliance at Deloitte

  • Explore the latest regulatory update on sound governance rules. This concise overview delves into the evolving regulatory landscape, offering insights into key governance principles to ensure your organization's compliance and resilience in a dynamic regulatory environment.

Session 2 : Risk culture for Board of Directors.

Lecture by speaker:  Mr. Gregory Joos - Partner at PWC and Mrs. Carole de Vergnies - Director, EMEA lead for Bank Recovery and Resolution Planning , Financial Services at PwC

  • A strong risk culture within the board of directors, as emphasized by ECB guidance, ensures proactive identification, assessment, and management of risks, integrating risk considerations into strategic decision-making and accountability frameworks for long-term resilience and success.

Testimonial by speaker  : Mr. Tom Franck - Member of the Executive Committee & Chief Risk Officer - Bank Van Breda

Session 3 : Mastering Non-Verbal Power in your Boardroom

Testimonial by speaker  : Mr. Koenraad De Backere - Chairman & independent director - KBC Group

Workshop by speaker :  Mrs. Eva Vissers - Executive Director - Human Frequency

  • Discover the transformative impact of non-verbal communication in high-stakes boardroom settings. Learn how to harness the power of body language to inspire confidence, build trust, and drive influence, while avoiding gestures that can undermine your leadership presence.

Session 4 : Cultivating AI within your organization

Lecture by speaker: Mr. Jens Meijen - EU AI Act Expert  - Umaniq

  • In today’s digital world, board members must understand the strategic opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence (AI), ensuring its responsible use through strong governance, ethical considerations, transparency, and compliance with regulations, while driving innovation and competitive advantage for the organization.

Closing summary by Febelfin Academy : key takeaways


  • Programme
    • 09:00 Welcome, registration, breakfast 
    • 09:30 Start programme
    • 13:15 Lunch
    • 14:15 Programme
    • 16:45 Reception
    • There are several breaks scheduled.
  • Duration: 1 day of training 
  • Hours: 09:00 to 17:00
  • Location: Sparks meeting, Rue Ravenstein 60, 1000 Brussels (building next to Central station Brussels)
  • Language: This training will be given in English


You follow a ‘Classroom training’ in a group. You, the other participants and the teacher are all present in the same classroom at an agreed time. There is an opportunity for interaction and feedback, both from the participants to the teacher and vice versa. The teaching material consists as a basis of a presentation via the MyFA learning platform, supplemented with various other items (such as digital syllabus, presentation, audiovisual fragments, etc.).

Course material: PowerPoint presentation (slides);



Caroline Veris
Compliance & audit

Gregory Joos
Risk, finance & treasury

Koenraad Dirk M Debackere
Taxation & regulations
Risk, finance & treasury
Clearing, settlements & payments

Saartje Verbeke
Compliance & audit

Sandra Gobert
Taxation & regulations
Compliance & audit

Tom Franck
Risk, finance & treasury

Eva Gabriella J Vissers
Personal development

Jens Meijen
Risk, finance & treasury
Compliance & audit

Carole Dagmar J de Vergnies
Risk, finance & treasury