The 6-day “The Board of Directors in the Financial Sector” program is an executive program on corporate governance, organised in collaboration with GUBERNA. The objective is to train incisive directors to work in the financial business sector.
The objective of this training course is to:
Totale prijs *
Leden: € 5.610
Niet-leden: € 6.300
Partners/ BZB: € 5.610
Incompany: op maat, prijzen op aanvraag
Bank: 36u algemeen
Verzekeringen: 36u algemeen
Consumentenkrediet: 36u algemeen
Hypothecair krediet: 36u algemeen
10/09/2025 - 12:30u - 19:00u - Day 1: The financial landscape and regulatory outlook
17/09/2025 - 12:30u - 19:00u - Day 2: Governance of the Financial Institution
08/10/2025 - 12:30u - 19:00u - Day 3: Role of Board of Directors
29/10/2025 - 12:30u - 19:00u - Day 4: Operation of a Financial Institution
05/11/2025 - 12:30u - 19:00u - Day 5: Risk Management of a Financial Institution
19/11/2025 - 12:30u - 19:00u - Day 6: Liability of board of directors
Geef ons jouw interesse door indien er geen datum beschikbaar is, de geplande datum voor je niet past en/of deze sessie volzet is. Van zodra een vijftal personen ingeschreven zijn op de interesselijst stellen wij jou een nieuwe datum voor. Jouw inschrijving op de interesselijst is kosteloos en zonder enige verplichting.
The programme can be followed by the following target groups:
Expert level training: this training requires thorough prior knowledge of the subject.
Module 1: The financial landscape and regulatory outlook - day 1 (duurtijd: 6 uur)
Lecturer: Koenraad De Backere & François Lecomte
Guest speakers: Nicolas Strypstein & Leen Van den Neste
Module 2: Governance of the Financial Institution - day 2 (duurtijd: 6 uur)
Lecturers: Sandra Gobert & Caroline Veris
Guest speaker: Bart De Smet
Role of Board of Directors - day 3 (duurtijd: 6 uur)
Lecturers: Saartje Verbeke & Caroline Veris
Guest speakers: Michaël Anseeuw , Daniël de Clerck & Stephanie De Bruyne
Module 3: Operation of a financial institution - day 4 (duurtijd: 6 uur)
Lecturer: Alexandre Deveen
Guest speaker: Martine De Rouck
Module 4: Risk Management of a financial institution - day 5 (duurtijd: 6 uur)
Lecturer: Wouter Hertegonne
Guest Speakers: Eric Pulinx , Els De Keyser & Isabelle Le Grand
Liability of board of directors - day 6 (duurtijd: 6 uur)
Lecturers: Sandra Gobert & Saartje Verbeke
Guest speakers: Alain Flas, Ruben Olieslagers & Marieke Wyckaert
You follow a ‘Classroom training’ face-to-face in a group. You, the other participants and the teacher are all present in the same classroom at an agreed time. There is an opportunity for interaction and feedback, both from the participants to the teacher and vice versa. The teaching material consists as a basis of a presentation via the MyFA learning platform, supplemented with various other items (such as digital syllabus, presentation, audiovisual fragments, etc.).
Caroline Veris
Compliance & audit
Alexandre Deveen
Retail banking
Risk, finance & treasury
Private banking & asset management
Ruben Olieslagers
Risk, finance & treasury
Compliance & audit
Els De Keyser
Retail banking
Compliance & audit
Taxation & regulations
Risk, finance & treasury
Koenraad Dirk M Debackere
Taxation & regulations
Risk, finance & treasury
Clearing, settlements & payments
Nicolas Strypstein
Compliance & audit
Bart De Smet
Taxation & regulations
Compliance & audit
Michael Anseeuw
Retail banking
Eric Alain Pulinx
Risk, finance & treasury
Private banking & asset management
Saartje Verbeke
Compliance & audit
Maria Elisabeth Wyckaert
Taxation & regulations
Stephanie De Bruyne
Retail banking
Clearing, settlements & payments
Sandra Gobert
Taxation & regulations
Compliance & audit
Isabelle Le Grand
Risk, finance & treasury
Compliance & audit
Alain Anna E Flas
François Lecomte
Private banking & asset management
Risk, finance & treasury
Taxation & regulations
Daniël de Clerck
Retail banking
Risk, finance & treasury
Private banking & asset management
Taxation & regulations
Martine De Rouck
Retail banking
Risk, finance & treasury
Taxation & regulations
Compliance & audit
Leen Van den Neste
Retail banking
Risk, finance & treasury
Compliance & audit