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European Certified ESG Analyst (CESGA®) - in collaboration with ABAF /BVFA

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Thanks to our collaboration with ABAF/BVFA (abaf-bvfa.be, member of EFFAS), we are happy to offer you the possibility to sign up for the EFFAS Certified ESG Analyst® programme (CESGA). CESGA covers all relevant topics that an ESG expert needs, such as:

The programme also provides you with an in-depth background to:

CESGA® is a 100% E-learning course.

Global social and environmental challenges, regulatory and reputational risks, market scandals and new market opportunities make environmental, social and governance information (ESG) a data source of growing importance.

In this context, the integration of ESG information in the investment process chain and in valuation is essential. To date, there are few approaches and even fewer solutions to help investment professionals integrate ESG. Despite its increasing relevance for investment decisions, it is estimated that less than 15% of investment professionals receive any kind of structured ESG training.

This is echoed by the World Economic Forum, which considers inadequate ESG training and valuation models to be one of the most significant barriers to the integration of ESG factors into mainstream investment decision-making.

The CESGA® programme aims to overcome this challenge by providing the necessary training for the efficient valuation, measurement and integration of ESG issues into investment analysis.

After having completed the programme, students should be able to :



Niveau Expert
Leervorm E-learning

Totale prijs *

Leden: € 1.750
Niet-leden: € 1.850
Partners/ BZB: € 1.750
Incompany: op maat, prijzen op aanvraag

* Heb je recht op een tegemoetkoming of subsidies?
* Prijs: prestatie in het kader van permanente beroepsopleiding, vrijgesteld van BTW



The training course is aimed at all investment professionals increasingly committed to ESG issues. Other specialists such as corporate sustainability officers, investor relations, auditors and consultants will find this course interesting to develop a better understanding of the needs of capital markets in terms of ESG information. Summing up it is ideal for asset owners, asset managers, corporate consultants, financial planners, and family offices who wish to embrace ESG integration holistically.

Vereiste voorkennis

Advanced: There is no specific knowledge required for this course.


The CESGA programme is structured in 10 modules with 20 hours of new video recorded material, supporting documents and the multiple-choice questions. The entire programme is estimated to take 80/150 hours of study depending on your professional background and experience. 

You can find the complete programme overview in the  brochure.

Module 1. Recent Developments in ESG integration

Module 2. Regulatory environment

Module 3. ESG-Strategies

Module 4. Responsible investing across asset classes

Module 5. ESG Reporting

Module 6. ESG Integration in the investment process

Module 7. ESG Integration in fundamental research (Qualitative analysis)

Module 8. ESG Integration in fundamental research (Quantitative analysis)

Module 9. Case study – ESG integration in the investment decision

Module 10. ESG Regional Developments*:

  • ESG in Asia Pacific Region
  • ESG in Latin America
  • ESG in North America

*this content is complementary and will not enter in the exam.


How to subscribe

You can subscribe via the 'I subscribe' button on this page. Within 14 days after your payment you will receive an e-mail from EFFAS Academy / Xchool with your access data to the EFFAS Academy learning platform. Your registration fee includes 6 months of access to the learning materials and 1 examination round on the date confirmed at the moment of registration.

Examination and Certificate

As soon as ABAF/BVFA has received the payment you will have to confirm your examination date.  EFFAS organizes 4 common exams a year; the exact dates can be found on the website of ABAF/BVFA.
 ABAF/BVFA will notify candidates of their results 6 to 8 weeks after the exam.

More information:

More information can be found in the brochure and on the EFFAS website.

For further questions, please contact Annick Van Segbroeck via info@abaf-bvfa.be





An ‘E-learning’ is 100% self-study. You log in individually on the MyFA learning platform and process, at your own pace, learning content that is provided to you via an interactive presentation. You can follow this online training wherever, whenever and as often as you want. The teaching material consists of a digital format with text, video, images, animations, test questions and/or references to relevant documents and/or websites.

Type of course:

Online, both the programme as the exam.