The fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism remains extremely topical. In 2021 the Belgian government implemented adaptations in the regulatory framework following the AML V guidelines. This training course provides you with the necessary tools to apply anti-money laundering policy within your financial institution. Depending on your needs, you can expand your general knowledge with 4 applications of the anti-money laundering legislation.
You can register for the full course or for one or more individual modules.
The objective of this training course is to:
Total price *
Members: € 260
Non-members: € 280
Partners/ BZB: € 260
Incompany: tailor-made, prices on request
CPD Hours
Banking: 2h general and 2h sector specific
Insurances: 2h sector specific
Consumer credit: 2h general
Mortgage credit: 2h general
Continuing Professional Development
The training course can be followed by all employees within a financial institution.
Basic level training: this training requires no prior knowledge and covers the basics of the subject.
The 5 different modules of the E-learning consist of theory, exercises and cases with practical examples aimend at learning in an interactive manner. You can register for the full course or for one or more individual modules.
Module 1: The fight against money laundering (AML) and the financing of terrorism (CFT): general module with focus on banking or insurance activities (duration: 2 hours) (CPD hours: Bank, Mortages, Consumerloans 2h general ; Insurance 2h sector specific, Compliance 2 hours)
Module 2: The fight against money laundering (AML) and the financing of terrorism (CFT) applied to Corporate Banking (duration: 30 minutes) (CPD hours: Bank, Compliance 0,5h general)
Module 3: The fight against money laundering (AML) and the financing of terrorism (CFT) applied to Private Banking (duration: 30 minutes) (CPD hours: Bank, Compliance 0,5h general)
Module 4: The fight against money laundering (AML) and the financing of terrorism (CFT) applied to Investment Funds (duration: 30 minutes) (CPD hours: Bank, Compliance 0,5h general)
Module 5: The fight against money laundering (AML) and the financing of terrorism (CFT) applied to Payment Services and Electronic Money (duration: 30 minutes) (CPD hours: Bank, Compliance 0,5h general)
An ‘E-learning’ is 100% self-study. You log in individually on the MyFA learning platform and process, at your own pace, learning content that is provided to you via an interactive presentation. You can follow this online training wherever, whenever and as often as you want. The teaching material consists of a digital format with text, video, images, animations, test questions and/or references to relevant documents and/or websites.
Training material: E-learning
Bank: De technische kennis m.b.t de financiële producten in bank- en beleggingsdiensten overeenkomstig art. 7; §1, 1°, b en c van het K.B van 1 juli 2006.
Banque: Les connaissances techniques relatives aux produits financiers et aux services bancaires et d'invetissement, conformément à l'article 7, §1, 1°, b et c. de l'AR du 1er juillet 2006
Verzekeringen: Betreft de technische kennis m.b.t de onderscheiden verzekeringstakken, overeenkomstig art. 270 van de wet van 4 april 2014.
Assurances: Les connaissances techniques relatives aux différentes branches d'assurance, conformément à l'article 270 de la loi du 4 juillet 2014.