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What is a ‘Flex Package’ CPD subscription and how does it work?


'Flex Package' is Febelfin Academy's subscription formula for CPD training. There are 3 subscription formulas available (see below).

A subscription gives you access to a wide selection of training courses specific to your field of expertise. The subscription allows you to obtain all your required points/hours of CPD training and thus fulfil your CPD obligation as an intermediary. For more information: banking intermediation, insurance distribution and credit intermediation.
Moreover, you automatically stay up-to-date with new developments in your field and always have a broad library of knowledge on the most diverse subjects at your fingertips.

A subscription includes both general and more specialised courses, and the offer is updated quarterly. The subscription adapts to your personal learning preferences, your schedule and your tempo: you can choose between different learning formats (classroom, live webinar and E-learning) and you register for the dates that suit you best.

For whom

A subscription is generally intended for those who, as financial intermediaries, need to take CPD training within a specific field and wish to organise this training in an efficient, flexible and easy way. This way, Febelfin Academy supports you in the practical organisation of your CPD training.  

Each subscription explicitly mentions the intended target group in the fact sheet.

How does it work?

You pay a fixed subscription fee and can then take courses of your choice without additional payment or administration. The subscription is renewed automatically (general terms and conditions).

You register for the subscription via the website. The subscription starts upon receipt of your payment and is valid for 1 year. MyFebelfinAcademy will give you an overview of the training courses available within the chosen subscription formula. From there, you are free to register for the training courses of your choice. If you choose an E-learning, you will have immediate access to your learning path. If you choose a training with a date (classroom training or live webinar), you also choose a date and reserve your place in a session.

Available subscription packages

Febelfin Academy offers 3 different subscription formulas

Flex Package BANKING

CPD Subscription banking and credit intermediation 

Flex Package INSURANCE

CPD Subscription insurance distribution (life, non-life) and credit intermediation

Flex Package ALL IN

CPD Subscription banking intermediation, insurance distribution (life, non-life) and credit intermediation

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