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  4. Are there subsidies or allowances for our traiing courses ?

Are there subsidies or allowances for our traiing courses ?

The Vlaio SME wallet subsidy can be applied for using the following link: https://www.vlaio.be/nl/subsidies-financiering/kmo-portefeuille

The subsidy application must be completed within 14 calendar days after the start date of the course. It can be made without already having the invoice. Once you receive the invoice, you can pay the subsidiable amount with a transfer from the SME wallet. It only leaves you with the balance amount that will still have to be paid.

All information about possible subsidies or allowances can be found on our website via the “Subsidies” menu at the bottom of page: Subsidies and allowances - About Febelfin Academy - Febelfin Academy (febelfin-academy.be)

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