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How to enroll a participant in a program?

Enrolling participants for a training course is done using the "register participants" button of the program concerned. You can find the desired program using the programs filter in the "Course catalog" menu. But also know that your homepage allows you to preselect your favorite programs for an even easier more direct access.

In the registration page itself, you can choose to enroll a new individual participant, or to select an exisiting participant who is already linked to your company, or to upload a grop of existising or new participants using the Excel template of that specific program. With the latter you need to respect the cell formatting when entering or copying data and you need to mark the desired modules (min. 1) as 'True'.

You will be selecting the appropriate payment method:

For making an exam or retake reservation for a previously completed registation, you will use the plan buttons in the "Active registrations" overview (plan sessions / plan retakes) which can be found in the "detail" of the program concerned.

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